MOSK, the Jinn under the command of Dagon
MOSK is a Jinn, ie a spirit creature.
Jinns are mistakenly associated with Western demons.
In the Middle Eastern tradition they are entities in their own right, they are not part of any divine contention.
Animated by evil intentions, they attack travelers, warriors, dreamers.
If subjugated they can become meek, giving riches to those who evoke them.
MOSK is the Jinn protector of illegal immigrants and terrorists, with the promise of virgins, honey and milk, he pushes the most fragile souls to conversion / radicalization.
MOSK has the highest rank of the Spiritual Forces who obey Dagon, a sea god, from the Cult of Cthulhu.
Dagon utilizza gli Jinn per proteggere tesori, nascondere idoli a lui dedicati, servire i Grandi Antichi, in primis Cthulhu.
The MOSK fits into the phanteon of H.P. Lovecraft, is the inspirer of "The Diaries of M.O.S.K.", signed by Abdul Alhazred, to whom he dictated some filthy poems in honor of Dagon and the Jihad.
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From the comic "Samira": a statue that the people of Constantinople erected in honor of King Dagon.

Abdul Alhazred
he transcribed the Necronomicon and the Diaries of M.O.S.K.
His nickname is "Crazy Arab" for big love of occult.

H.P. Lovecraft: writer, visionary, drag the spirit towards the highest peaks of the fantastic.
Still hated today by the overwhelming "culture" of the left, he was a prophet of the ongoing invasion.
Investigator of foreign rites and divinities, with his works he denounced the collapse in which the West would have drowned.
He lived in almost anonymity, with modest means and in semi poverty.
All those who deal with (write, direct, draw, play) fantasy / thriller / horror themes are indebted to him for life.
There is a problem...
From the periodic readings of Lovecraft, and from some Persian fairy tales I knew the need to give life to a Jinn.
I animated it with the fears of which the West was immersed, and it was incredible to discover that the MOSK was so real as to be traceable to news events.
But there was a problem: how to represent it in a video? How to draw it in a comic?
The Persian tradition imagines him as a spirit, an animal, a chimera, but in that mixture the element I was looking for escaped: a unique connotation.
The MOSK had to have a unique connotation.

Speaking with a friend, the name of a Metal icon came out: singer / performer Kim Bendix Petersen, in the charismatic role of King Diamond. “He would be a perfect character for the MOSK,” I thought.
Here is the idea: the Jinn would have worn a tunic, similar to that of the friars, engaged in the Holy Inquisition, he would have exhibited an Arab symbol on his forehead, which I personally designed. He would have had a black retina cloak, recalling the tiny textures on the wings of flies. Black gloves and a personalized “facepainting”, immediately recognizable.
Kim Bendix Petersen with King Diamond was the spring of inspiration, Gianluca Sbarbati, in the role of MOSK, characterized those suggestions.
A presence of gothic atmospheres and Arabian melodies gave the MOSK the power to transmit messages to the subconscious: the exaltation towards a mad gesture, the passion towards a God called Dagon, martyrdom in exchange for a promise
This was just the beginning.
Will I be able to affirm the most important purpose?
The MOSK is not the usual villain , the "killer" of an American blockbuster.
If we analyze any horror / thriller movie, the monster takes on the monster cliché: sadistic / cruel / bloodthirsty, he kills screaming and wounded fleeing victims.
I entrusted a Jinn with unusual vibrations, the Middle Eastern background made him original, but it was still not enough to raise him from the army of killers. So I imagined him as a wise spirit, capable of multiplying intuitions, attitudes, talents. In a game of seduction, pass them on in the form of a gift.
A guitarist who for fame sells his soul to the devil is the classic barter of an urban legend, but running into a Jinn with whom to share the mysteries of music, what is the counterpart?

The telephone, a pen, the dream, a glass of wine (elements which the MOSK used to contact the prey) are foreign to the representation of a spirit, because it is considered incorporeal, invisible.
Indeed, a Jinn's power is measured by his ability to fuel desire.
In Persian fairy tales some genes of the lamp promise gifts, others express themselves in riddles, each step is taken to excite the attention of the listener.
The MOSK is not a demon, it has no interest in the mortal's soul, but it wants to be part of his desires. Enlarge them until they are sovereign. The stronger they are, the more its magic gains value.
The lightness of the notes, the mesmerizing melodies, the plucked sound of the strings are an invitation to break the delay and trust him.
The choice
We enter a perennial stalemate; drinking from the wishing well, submitting to the MOSK, or groped to manage that spell, draining one's lifeblood?
The Jinn if meek can offer riches, if they take possession of the will of others it is easy for them to become executioners.
Special thanks to Gianluca Sbarbati, Ruggero Ruggeri, Alessandro Febo, Alessandro Dionisi, for the advice and support given.
Federico Bason